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Controversial Articles
Chatham-Kent Council Ignores Transparency, Quickly Goes to the Mall
by Tom Slager | Jul 5, 2021 | Controversy, Local
Chatham-Kent Council Six Months Later Back in December Chatham-Kent's Councillors ended up with eggs on their faces. It came to light that they were having secret meetings with a group looking to potentially purchase the Downtown Chatham Centre (DCC). Apparently,...
Chatham-Kent: Spending Your Taxes to Keep Rondeau Cottages on the Beach
by Tom Slager | Jun 24, 2021 | Controversy, Local
A Little Background on the Rondeau Issue When was the last time a cottager from Rondeau Park invited you to a party at their place? It seems like the least they could do is make sure everybody in Chatham-Kent gets a thank-you card. After all, it’s your tax money being...
Chatham-Kent: Kid’s Flag Football League Founder Draws A WTF Municipal Response
by Tom Slager | May 1, 2021 | Controversy, Local
If you drive by Lark Park you soon begin to see just how stupid this kerfuffle is. The park is grass. Not wildflowers, not protected prairie, not hidden wetland. It is just a huge dandelion- filled lawn. Jason cuts two bits of it lower than the Municipality does (when it bothers to do it at all). This is a crucial point: he only cuts it in the area where the kids are playing. That is one or two rectangles that are each 40 yards wide by 100 yards long. And they are not even located on the disused soccer field. Two rectangles. 40×100.
Face Palm: Local Media Thinks The Municipality Of Chatham-Kent Not Spending Our Tax Dollars With Them Is The Real Story?
by Tom Slager | Apr 8, 2021 | Controversy, Local
Missing The Point in Chatham-KentOne component of a healthy community is having a robust media with the resources and will to ask the tough questions and demand answers from local government. This is a component that Chatham-Kent sorely lacks. It was with great...
In A Covid-19 Ward, All a Patient Sees are Eyeballs
by Tom Slager | Feb 8, 2021 | Controversy, People, Places, Things
On the Front Lines of the Covid-19 BattleCathi is a nurse who works on a Covid-19 Ward in a smaller Michigan hospital that normally has 300 beds. With the world facing the Covid-19 crisis, she is on the front lines of the battle to save lives, a battle that is lost...
Chatham-Kent: It Is Time to Save Our Dwindling Woodland
by Tom Slager | Jan 29, 2021 | Controversy, Local
Municipal Council Could Protect our Woodland if They Wished It’s not exactly a local badge of honor for Chatham-Kent that people traveling along the 401 between Tilbury and Highgate are in the middle of the single most deforested municipality in all of Ontario. Today,...
Chatham-Kent: Council’s Private Discussions About Purchasing The Mall Is Not Leadership
by Tom Slager | Dec 13, 2020 | Controversy, Local
"Why" Shouldn't Be A Secret in Chatham-Kent Here we are again: Another tempest in a tea-pot because of Chatham-Kent’s ham-handed way of handling potentially controversial issues. As reported in the Chatham Daily News, Councilor Trevor Thompson has spilled the beans...
5 Deceitful Covid-19 Pandemic Beliefs
by Tom Slager | Oct 20, 2020 | Controversy
The Covid-19 Pandemic has Led to Many Untrue Ideas It is hard to believe that this far into a global pandemic, this discussion is still happening in a well-educated nation like Canada. The thing about science is that it takes more than a feeling or a wish for...