I’ve watched countless shows on TV where daring and rugged individuals hunt for lost shipwrecks. The really good shows always seemed to combine a love for history, adventure, and mysteries that got my attention. “Wouldn’t it be cool,” I’ve thought, “to find a lost...
Tom Slager
My Contributions
I Got the Beef! Adventures in Cuba
For most North Americans, Cuba is a land of mystery. U.S. Citizens are only allowed to visit if their trip falls under one of 12 specific categories, with “tourism” notably absent from that list. Canadian Citizens are allowed to visit Cuba without restriction but...
Municipality of Chatham-Kent: In 2021 the Glass Ceiling is Still Intact
A Glass Ceiling Above the Wall of Silence The term “Glass Ceiling” was first used 43 years ago, in 1978, to describe what seemed to be an invisible barrier that kept women from getting equal pay and the top executive jobs in companies all around North America. Over...
North Buxton Homecoming 2021: A Festival of Freedom
Located an hour east of Detroit in the agricultural heartland of Southwestern Ontario, the small town of North Buxton has a big history. For nearly a century, it has hosted the North Buxton Homecoming. This is an annual celebration of the community’s history and the...
Formerly of Brazil: A Canadian Immigration Story
Immigrating to Canada: It's a Process Gabriela (Gabi to her friends) was born in Sao Paulo, a mega-city of 20 million people in southeast Brazil. It is a vibrant place that fills all five of your senses. The city boasts world-class museums and theatres and has a...