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The Whole Darn Archive

If it’s not on the front page then it is in here somewhere.

Talking Transparency with CK Councillor Michael Bondy

Talking Transparency with CK Councillor Michael Bondy

Candid Badger was privileged to interview Ward 6 Councillor Michael Bondy on Tuesday, July 22.  After the response generated from the Badger’s article about the city looking into becoming renters at the Downtown Chatham Centre, it seemed like a good time to examine...

In 1827 A Buffalo Sailed Over Niagara Falls

In 1827 A Buffalo Sailed Over Niagara Falls

A Buffalo, A Schooner, And Niagara Falls?Niagara Falls has always depended on promotion to attract tourists to the area.    People come to experience a small slice of the story of the falls that has been created and nurtured and embellished by countless business...

Joining Team Moderna in Chatham-Kent

Joining Team Moderna in Chatham-Kent

Getting Jabbed in Chatham-KentYesterday, I joined Team Moderna, receiving my first dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine.  As much as I wanted to get the vaccination, I will admit to a little anxiety between my needle phobia and the unknowns of a relatively new vaccine.  In...

Chatham-Kent:  Kid’s Flag Football League Founder Draws A WTF Municipal Response

Chatham-Kent: Kid’s Flag Football League Founder Draws A WTF Municipal Response

If you drive by Lark Park you soon begin to see just how stupid this kerfuffle is. The park is grass. Not wildflowers, not protected prairie, not hidden wetland. It is just a huge dandelion- filled lawn. Jason cuts two bits of it lower than the Municipality does (when it bothers to do it at all). This is a crucial point: he only cuts it in the area where the kids are playing. That is one or two rectangles that are each 40 yards wide by 100 yards long. And they are not even located on the disused soccer field. Two rectangles. 40×100.