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Articles About Places
5 Reasons I’d Rather Stay in a Hostel than a 5-Star Hotel
by Arielle DeHaw | Oct 14, 2020 | Places, Things
Stay in A Hostel? You’ve Got to be Kidding Me [ Psst: This article was written for the curious scroller, or travel lover getting ahead on planning that next trip. Please limit your adventures to within government guidelines until it’s safe. ] I get it. Reading this...
Chatham-Kent: Residing at the Chatham Jail in 1858
by Tom Slager | Sep 16, 2020 | Local, Places, Things
The Chatham Jail The old Chatham Jail rests on an odd triangular piece of land approximately 200 meters (655 feet) from the banks of the Thames river. Built of stone, its front has a smooth three-story facade built in the unmistakable style of a government...
Canada’s Shameful Secret: Indigenous Residential Schools
by Jamie Sue Sykes | Aug 28, 2020 | Controversy, People, Places
Why Didn’t I Know? In life and in the classroom, history holds one of the keys to our success as a country and a community. What we live through today will soon be taught in our classrooms for future generations to learn and use as a tool to make decisions from the...
Crunchy Dinosaur Bugs Everywhere
by Tom Slager | Jul 24, 2020 | Local, Places, Things
As humans have discovered and catalogued their world around them, most organisms seem to fit into some sort of hierarchy. Everything, we believe, should have its place, or niche. The smallest and simplest exist to feed and strengthen those that are larger...